New opportunities with Kampanja.

Kampanja opens up the possibility to quickly and easily build your own landing page and distribute digital coupon offers
via sms.


This is how Kampanja works

You can easily build your campaign page by uploading images, adding texts and setting specifications (number of releases, coupons, etc.) via our portal. The site gets its own URL that you use in marketing via social media and digital advertising.

From idea to finished campaign in just a few minutes

  • Upload your material to the tool.
  • Create your campaign page using
    the simple instructions.

A good solution for example:

  • News launch
  • Create customer relationships
  • Time-limited campaigns
  • Build customer registers
  • Test media channels
  • Targeted campaigns
  • Conduct sales in stores
  • Build brand awareness
  • Distribute information

Link a campaign to a themed day

Linking a campaign to a themed day and setting up a fun activity connected to your products can be a successful and brand-building investment. Many products have their own day, for example cinnamon roll day, cheese day, cake day and more. There are many themed days throughout the year that provide you the opportunity to create content that engages your customers, increases your visibility and builds your brand.