Can’t you find what you are looking for, do you have questions or want to get in touch with us? Fill in the contact form and we will get back to you.
Missing settlement notes

Email ClearOn customer support at with information on what settlement notes are missing, as well as the Shop ID. The Shop ID can be found in the upper left corner of the shop’s settlement note under “Refers to shop”. Accounting firms must first contact the shop in question, which in turn may contact us.
Ordering marketing material and accounting cards for Värdeavi money orders.

Log in to with the Shop ID and PIN code. This information can be found on the shop’s settlement note in the upper left corner under “Refers to shop” and “PIN code”.
Shop login information to is missing

This information can be found on the shop’s settlement note in the upper left corner under “Refers to shop” and “PIN code”. If the shop does not have access to the settlement notes, email ClearOn customer support at with information about the shop in question.
What is online clearing?

The handling and reporting of coupons and other value slips takes place electronically between the shop’s point of sale system and ClearOn. The POS system communicates with ClearOn in real time and checks each value coupon at the time of redemption.
How does a shop join the online clearing service?

If the shop has any POS systems that implement online clearing, you can register at under ”Login”/”Shop”/”New shop”, or click HERE. ClearOn will contact the shop’s POS system supplier and plan an activation date. An agreement will then be signed electronically.
The shop’s POS system supplier is not included under “Registration”

Contact the shop’s POS system supplier to learn whether it is possible to implement the online clearing service in their system.
How are redeemed value coupons paid out?

Redeemed value coupons are paid to a Plusgiro or Bankgiro stated in the registration form. Payment is made on the first business day following the redemption date.
The customer has a code that refers to a mobile coupon

These must not be redeemed. In order for the customer to take advantage of the offer, they must present the code in their mobile. The text message also contains a link for the cashier to check the offer to which the code applies.
A customer comes in and wants to pay with a reimbursement receipt or payment check from ClearOn

The reimbursement receipt can be used as a method of payment when purchasing products of their choice, apart from tobacco, gambling, alcohol and medical products. The receipts are redeemed at checkout with the customer’s purchase and then disposed of. Please note that the customer must make purchases for the entire amount.
A customer comes in and wants to pay with the Sweden Voucher

The Sweden Voucher (Sverigechecken) is a voucher gift card that the customer can use to purchase products of their choice, apart from tobacco, gambling, alcohol and medical products. The voucher is redeemed at checkout with the customer’s purchase and then disposed of.
A coupon does not work at checkout

There may be a variety of reasons why coupons do not work at checkout. Before contacting ClearOn support, check the following:
- That the products the customer intends to buy are covered by the coupon offer
- That the customer intends to buy the correct number of goods
- The validity period of the coupon
- That there is no internal discount for that particular product
- That the product costs more than the value of the coupon
- That there are no non-discount items on the receipt (tobacco, gambling, alcohol)
- That the product is listed on the receipt
If the above points apply, you can try to scan the coupon’s barcode manually or redeem the coupon at another cash register. Once you have checked and ensured the above, you can handle the matter with the customer. Contact our customer support, state the coupon’s EAN code, product EAN code, potential incorrect code from the cash register, and attach a photo of the front and back of the coupon. Please note that the above only applies to coupons and not to Värdeavi money orders.
How do you cancel a MoneyGram transaction?

See the Manual “Stop – Cancel Purchase Order in Kassagirot” in “MoneyGram Manual” found in the menu row “MoneyGram” in Kassagirot.
How to cancel a sales order involving a bank deposit / giro payment / travel currency

See the Manual “Stop – Cancel Purchase Order in Kassagirot” found in the menu row “Document” in Kassagirot.
The validity of the Värdeavi has expired

Ask the customer to contact the company from which they received this money order (the payee) for more information.
The Värdeavi does not work / the barcodes are not intact

Ask the customer to file a complaint with the sender (payee) of the Värdeavi.
What is the maximum value of a Värdeavi

Redemption of a Värdeavi is subject to the availability of cash at the shop. The maximum redemption value is SEK 99,999. Redemption of higher amounts will be referred to the exhibiting bank. NB! Ensure that all relevant personnel have been informed of the maximum amount for the shop.
There are two persons listed as recipients of a Värdeavi

Both persons must sign the back of the card to endorse it, and present personal identification. Värdeavi are handled in the same manner as if a messenger had come to redeem the money order (applies to PlusGirot and Bankgirot). Swedbank/Sparbanken Värdeavi money orders are not pre-signed by the addressee and signed upon receipt by messenger.
The Värdeavi is missing a barcode

Refer the customer to their bank for assistance with redemption. Värdeavi money orders that do not have barcodes cannot be redeemed in a shop, only at the exhibiting bank.
Värdeavi that CANNOT be redeemed at a shop:

- Company money order (See specific questions about Company money orders)
- Estate payment
- Authorised proxies
- Money orders without barcodes
- Minors without identification
- Foreign IDs
- Money orders paid to a legal guardian
- Persons with protected identity
- Persons who are unable to sign (due to disability)
In all the above cases, the customer will be referred to their exhibiting bank or to the sender (payee).
The customer has brought a Värdeavi paid to a company or organisation

Company money orders can only be redeemed by agents for Kassagirot and by exhibiting banks. Exceptions: If the company money order is addressed to a person and the person’s name is placed before the company name in row 1, and the company name is in row 2, the money order may be redeemed by an online shop. If, however, the company name is listed first, the shop cannot approve payment since the recipient would then be a company.
ID documents approved as identification when redeeming a Värdeavi:

- Driver’s licences issued by the Swedish Road Administration and Swedish Transport Agency
- National ID card
- ID card from the Swedish Tax Agency
- Swedish passport
- SIS-marked Swedish service cards and ID cards
NB! ID documents from the Swedish Migration Agency, foreign ID documents and foreign passports are not accepted.
The customer has made purchases for the entire amount of the Värdeavi. Will they have to pay the fee of SEK 49?

The fee of SEK 69 is a service fee for the redemption of money orders, and will be charged regardless of whether the customer has made purchases for some or all of the amount, or if they have withdrawn the entire amount as cash.
The cash register does not charge a service fee for the redemption of a Värdeavi

Some Värdeavi money orders are free of charge for the customer if the sender has decided to pay the fee. This will be stated on the Värdeavi.
The cash register states that it is unable to make contact with ClearOn

The redemption of Värdeavi must be done online, i.e. the POS system must be connected to us. If the system is unable to contact us, you can try to restart it or register the money order in another cash register in the shop. If it is still not possible to redeem the Värdeavi because the POS system is unable to make contact, you must ask the customer to return later or refer them to another agent. Never return a Värdeavi money order that has been swiped at a cash register without checking to make sure it was redeemed. Check Värdeavi money orders at under Check value coupon.
An error message pops up in the cash register when redeeming a Värdeavi

Check the following:
- Check to make sure the money order has not already been redeemed at, under Check value coupon
- Make sure the validity period for the Värdeavi money order has not expired
- Try to redeem the Värdeavier money order at another cash register
- Test the button in code 1 and code 2
- If the error code is “Not permitted” and the Värdeavi money order has not been redeemed, return the money order to the customer and refer them to the sender (payee).
NB! Never return a Värdeavi money order that has been swiped at a cash register without checking to make sure it was redeemed, regardless of the error message.
The shop has signed the Värdeavi, but the cash register will not redeem it

First check under “Check value coupon” to make sure the Värdeavi has not already been redeemed. If the Värdeavi has not been redeemed, there is no danger in returning the card to the customer, who can then go to another agent for redemption. According to procedure, a Värdeavi can only be signed by a cashier as the last step for redemption, i.e. when the cash register has confirmed that the can be redeemed.
The shop has received a Värdeavi with a higher value than the cash register/shop permits

First check under “Check value coupon” to make sure the Värdeavi has not already been redeemed. If the Värdeavi has been redeemed in your shop, you must contact our Customer service to submit an incident report. Your shop will then need to settle the payment with the customer, as it is not possible to cancel a redeemed Värdeavi.
The customer’s name on the payment card differs from the name on the ID

The customer cannot withdraw cash. Ask the customer to contact the sender (payee).
Online course for Värdeavi

To assist you, we have developed an online course that describes what it means to be an agent for Värdeavi money orders. This describes how these money orders are handled at the cash register and subsequent routines. All those who are involved with Värdeavi in some manner in the shop should complete this course. To take the course, go to and log in with the Shop ID and the PIN code.
Ordering marketing material and accounting cards for Värdeavi.

Log in to with a Shop ID and PIN code. This information can be found in the welcome email.