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This is how our new financial routines work!

14 November, 2022

As we have continuously informed you about, today 14 November 2022 we have changed business systems. Our mission to create a modern clearing platform continues, with an increased focus on maximizing customer value through improved business processes, greater accessibility, and better possibilities for customer-adaptive integrations.

In this short film, you can see how the new financial procedures works.

Short information about the new financial procedures

  • From November 2022, each campaign will have its own á account.
  • The nominal value of the value carrier is settled daily against the á account.
  • Just as before, the á account is topped up with a balance top-up “request for campaign funds”.
  • The clearing fee (handling cost) will be invoiced in arrears to facilitate VAT reporting. Here it is possible to have a consolidated invoice for all active campaigns to facilitate the payment flow.
  • Accounting documents are downloaded digitally in the ClearOnline portal.
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The decision of Finansinspektionen

22 February, 2022

In October 2020, Finansinspektionen initiated an investigation with the aim of checking the company’s compliance with the money laundering regulations.

Finansinspektionen has examined ClearOn’s operations during the period between January – December 2020. The examination was about routines and guidelines for the company’s work with AML risk assessments and the KYC process and ClearOn’s knowledge about its payment service customers.

ClearOn has always had a strong focus on the AML-processes and has over the years invested significant resources in ensuring compliance with the requirements and guidelines that the company has interpreted into the relevant regulations.

Finansinspektionen has made the assessment that ClearOn has had shortcomings in its measures to achieve sufficient AML knowledge for those customers with whom a business relationship has been established and thus that ClearOns has not been able to sufficiently handle the risk of money laundering or terrorist financing. From ClearOn’s perspective, the main reason for the expressed  shortcomings lies in its interpretations of the regulations, where the company has made different assessments than what Finansinspektionen has done.  

Based on the preliminary findings received from Finansinspektionen, ClearOn has established and implemented an action plan to correct the shortcomings that Finansinspektionen considers have existed in the company. This action plan entails changes in routines and processes for the work with risk assessments and in the processes to acquire customer knowledge and to risk classify customers.

Finansinspektionen has found that the shortcomings justify a warning together with a penalty fee.

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ClearOn – category owner for “Supplier of the Year”

15 February, 2021

Who will be the Supplier of the Year 2021 for Dagligvarugalan?

Also this year ClearOn has had the honor of becoming category owner for Daglivarugalan’s category Supplier of the Year. To win the category, we  see that the supplier strive to promote collaborations at all levels of trade. A strong innovation drive in combination with new product launches where high profitability development is high on the agenda. A committed sales force that shares category knowledge. All this to contribute to high customer satisfaction.

Now you can nominate your company or someone you think deserves a chance to become the Supplier of the Year at this link!

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New release ClearOnline

9 December, 2020

Our idea with ClearOnline is to coordinate all functions around coupon campaigns for you as a user.

We do this to improve your customer experience and our offer to you.

In the new release you will find:

  • A new news feed – here you will find inspiring reading.
  • An opportunity to download PDF invoices and see the status of the invoice under the new icon “My invoices”.
  • An extended search function under “My campaigns” which allows you to search for items eg. GTIN (product article)

But everything is not perfect…

Big changes take time and we do everything to improve the experience further. In the coming months, we will improve the BI tool Insight, the accounts receivable and simplify your handling of user levels and login.

Thanks for your understanding.

If you need help, we will be happy if you contact us via email.

Johnny Lönnberg
Business area manager

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MoneyGram customize prices

12 November, 2020

As of November 17, new prices apply for MoneyGram. Information about this has been sent out via e-mail to our MoneyGram agents and a letter and price list will soon be in the mail. Make sure that all old material that presents prices is thrown away and replaced with the new price list.